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The sincere cooperation between Aviko Potato and its growers is also refl ected in the Potato Growers Committee (ATC). The committee consists of representatives of growers from all potato cultivation regions. The ATC advises and contributes to developments, such as working out new types of contracts.It also preserves the interests of the growers by monitoring compliance with regulations and purchasing terms and conditions. The ATC is furthermore responsible for marketing the potatoes contracted in the pools.
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Aviko Potato

Aviko Potato is responsible for the purchase, logistics and quality management of all potatoes for the Aviko Group factories. This mainly concerns the raw material supply for the fi ve factories in the Netherlands, but we are also closely involved with the cultivation of potatoes for Aviko Group production locations in Germany, Belgium, Poland, Sweden and China. Acting on its vision ‘Creating value from potatoes’, the Aviko Group annually processes 1,700,000 tonnes of potatoes into fresh, frozen and dehydrated potato products. This ranks Aviko as the fourth largest potato processor worldwide and the largest producer of chilled fries. It is our ambition to continue to grow in a responsible and sustainable manner.
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